Discover Kalayaan

Kalayaan, Palawan

Kalayaan, officially the Municipality of Kalayaan, is a 5th class municipality in the South China Sea under the jurisdiction of the province of Palawan, Philippines. According to the 2020 census, it has a population of 193 people making it the least populated town in the Philippines.

The Kalayaan Island Group or KIG is part of an archipelago of islet, sandbars, atolls, reefs shoal and cays known internationally as the Spratly Group of Islands. The Spartly Isands is a group of more than 600 islets, coral, reefs, sand bars, and atolls in the South China Sea. The islands are located northwest of Brunie, the Malaysian State of Sabah, and the Philippine islands of Palawan and dominates the South China Sea. 

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KITA Travel

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KITA Travel powered by the Kalayaan Islands Tourism Agents (KITA) Cooperative is the only Travel Agency/Operator licensed to operate and run tours in the jurisdiction of the  Kalayaan Island Group (KIG).

The Cooperative with its vision to support the Local Government’s thrust of making Kalayaan as the adventure capital of Palawan, is instrumental to the recent opening of tourism activities in the West Philippine Sea.

Top 9 Adentures To Discover In Kalayaan


“Pag-asa Island is the largest Island in Kalayaan”

Pag-asa Island is the seat of the local governance and is the largest island with an approximate land area of 32.7 hectares. It is 277 miles from Puerto Princesa City and 579 miles from Manila. Pag-asa is accessible by sea and air transportation.

A twin-engine Islander aircraft, will take 2 1/2 hours enroute to Pag-asa from Puerto Princesa City.

It is the only island among the island group that is inhabited by civilians.



“Likas Island is the Giant Sea Turtle Sanctuary of the KIG”

This 18.6 hectare island, about 47 miles northeast of Pag-asa, is the Giant Turtle Sanctuary of the KIG. The whole island is vegetated with beach type plants endemic to the area.





“Parola Island is closer to Vietnamese occupied Pugad Island”


Located 28 miles northwest of Pag-asa, it has an area of approximately 12.7 hectares,



“Kota Island is a seamonut type underlain by carcarenite formation”


Twenty miles from Pag-asa is Kota Island with a land area of 6.45 hectares. A seamount type underlain by calcarenite formation, it fringes the Laoita bank and reef. The present shape of the Island indicates sand buildup along its eastern side. The anchor-shaped side will eventually connect with the northern portion as the sand buildup continues thereby creating another mini-lagoon in the process.

Occasionally, giant sea turtles are reported to be laying eggs in this Island.





Panata has a surface area of only 0.44 hectares. In the past, this island has a surface area of more than 5 hectares. But strong waves brought about by typhoons washed out a large portion of the sandy surface of the island leaving behing the calcarenite foundation which can be seen during low tides.





Situated 98 miles east of Pag-asa is Lawak Island, is the Bird Sanctuary of the KIG. It has a total land area of 7.39 hectares. VEgetation is minimal and limited to coastal grasses and coconut trees with occasional talisay trees. Salinity is high due to seawater intrusion and the absence of rainfall that usally recharges the freshwater reserve of the island. Lawak is made-up of hard coralline limestone and part of the Third Thomas Shoal. The presence of a mini-lagoon indicates sand buildup over the years.

Lawak Island is home to thousands of migratory birds calling the island their temporary home for the winter.




Patag Island is an example of a cay. It changes its shape seasonally, as a result of shifting sands brought about by the waves and wind direction. at the moment, it is shaped like an elongated number 1. Three years ago it was like a cresent moon and years before it was like a the letter “S”. Patag Island has a surface area of 0.57 hectares and is barren of any vegetation.


A typical reef lying underwater, it is located west of Balabac and serves as a military observation post.


Like Rizal Reef, Ayungin is a ridge of sand and coral rocks and is near Mischief Reef. A Philippine Navy Landing Ship stranded in the area.

Why Outdoor Adventure

Head for the white sandy beaches, make a beeline for many remote & uninhabited  Islands or soak up beach life culture on deserted white sandy beaches. Diverse scenery and unique culture mean there is a wide range of distinct places to visit in Kalayaan.

What You Get

Voted for the fourth year in a row as the Worlds Best Island in 2020, by T&L magazine and in the top diving destinations in the world

Palawan consists of 1,780 islands of pristine white beaches, dramatic rock formations, secret coves, and underground mysteries. An untamed land, a nature lover’s paradise, and an adventurer’s dream: 

Palawan certainly lives up to its image as the last frontier, what are you waiting for?

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