Puerto Princesa City Eagle's Club - Region V

Puerto Princesa City Eagle's Club - Region V

Who & What We Are.

Puerto Princesa City Eagle's Club - Region V

The Fraternal Order of Eagles – Philippine Eagles (TFOEPE), was founded in Quezon City in 1979. The Fraternal Order of Eagles (Philippine Eagles) is a socio-civic organization with a guiding principle of service through strong brotherhood and fraternal ties among its members as keystone to humanitarian service.

What we do

We plan and support amazing projects that help change the lives of disadvantaged Filipino and to support worthy causes from across different regions of the Philippines.
Together, we can

Build a world where all People are safe

The Philippine Eagles shall be

Eagleism is something more. In the declaration of policies and objectives of the Philippine Eagles, it says that the Philippine Eagles shall be:







Enlightened and innovative humanitarian.

Animated primarily by a strong bond of brotherhood and fraternal ties.

God-loving, non-sectarian.

Law-abiding, liberty-oriented, non-political.

Emblazed with intense mission of.

Service to country, its people and its community.

The Heart of Eagleism

The Philippine Eagles began in the ferment of certain segments of the Philippine service groups in the face of a mélange of service ideologies that we have in our country’s midst. We have the Lions, the Rotarians, the Kiwanis, the Jaycees, et cetera. These are world-wide foreign civic organizations transported to us. They are not menaces, as in fact, the Eagles have commonly shared their  humanitarian ideals. In this context, these service groups have a lot to learn from one another and learning from one another they can place a better value to their service work and efforts.”

  • Eagleism is fraternalism, or that state of relationship characteristic of brothers.
  • In the Philippine Eagles, members must have primordially developed a deep sense of brotherhood among them. It is the primacy of their relationship is brotherhood.
  • Eagleism is humanitarianism…an ethical commitment or concern for human welfare, or relations, and shall be expressed in philanthropic activities or interest in social reforms.
  • Eagleism reliability of the Eagles commitment to a brother Eagle…
    This is what the Philippine Eagles institutionally call the Alalayang Agila
    …the Eagles “shall have shared each other’s problems or moments of importance and shall have expanded and enhanced their sense and spirit of brotherhood”.
Our Partners & Members

Our numbers that speak

We have numbers that push us to give in our best and make sure that we break our own records. We are happy to be growing and helping more day by day.
Members Worldwide
0 K+
Children Helped
0 +
Funds Raised
$ 0 M+
Food Provided
0 T
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